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Breaking Ancestral Patterns

Live online ceremony on October 6th, 12 PM PST

Discover dysfunctional family patterns

Take the first step in healing these patterns

(Re)connect with the Power of your Lineage

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A fully supported group program

living lineage

Turning Ancestral Pain into Personal Power

lean into your lineage

LIVING LINEAGE is a 10-week online group program in which you

Heal: Identify and heal ancestral patterns, wounds and trauma

Reclaim: Discover and reclaim the blessings of your lineage(s)

Empower: Freeing not just yourself, but all those who follow

So that you can live your most authentic, empowered life- supported and nurtured by your lineage. Knowing that this is the greatest gift you can give to all generations that follow.

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How Mexico helped me to reconnect with my own lineage

For most of us, our ancestry and lineage can be a tricky subject.

Especially when we've spent some time feeling into our lineage, the first thing that we seem to rub up against are the unprocessed traumas, hurts, and restrictive belief systems that have been passed on generation after generation. This can make it feel unsafe to take our place in our lineage.

On top of that- in our modern society, we cherish our individuality. We get to choose where we live, what we do, whom we surround ourselves with. While this creates an amazing space to express ourselves, it also loosens the ties with our ancestral homelands and our lineages.

All of this leaves us feeling without roots. Unsettled. Restless. Not knowing where we belong, or what our purpose is. Soul-starved.

Soul-starved. This is how we arrived in Mexico almost five years ago. And we were not even aware of it!  Beautiful Mexico lovingly offered us a place to land, and a deeper way of connecting with the Ancestors. Which I then got to bring full circle on our trip to The Netherlands, last year.

Our lineage is here for us. It always has been. It's here to hold us, to guide us, and to bless us. To feed our souls. This is our birthright!

Once we manage to plug back into our lineage at a point beyond the pain and the trauma, a true homecoming happens. And a deep well of guidance and wisdom opens up to us.

THAT's what Living Lineage is all about.

Origins of the Living Lineage program.

This program came through as the answer to my prayers. After coming back from our trip to our homelands The Netherlands last year, I felt that it was time to create another offer.

Our trip was all about reconnecting with my Lineage and the Land. I spent many hours in ceremony, communing with the land and the Ancestors.

Upon coming back, the Living Lineage program came through loud and clear. This program was brought to you by the Well-Ancestors. Their invitation is for you and your ancestors to come play together!

The language of ceremony

The art of ceremony is the backbone of this program. Why? It's because ceremony offers a language to connect with the natural world.
Ceremony opens a portal for effective communication, healing and collaboration with unseen intelligences like our well-ancestors.

Anointed & well-ancestors

This program is specifically held by the anointed and well-ancestors. This means that we invite only the ancestors who are well- and have a genuine intention for support, guidance and healing. This allows for a reconnection with your ancestry that is rooted in Love- and a deep healing of your Lineage.

3 Full-support spots available

Most of us carry a load of trauma within our lineages- sometimes down to the DNA. This (epigenetic) trauma may get activated during the program- this usually happens before a trauma is healed. For those in need of extra support, I offer a special support package alongside the program.

This program is for you if you are ready to:

Heal ancestral wounds & break family patterns

So that your lineage may once again be rooted in Love and Freedom

Reconnect with your ancestors

So that you may reclaim the magic that is inherent in your lineage

Come home into your lineage

So that you may feel held and guided. Celebrating Life and your Existence with the Ones that made it all Possible!

Delete this quote as nobody has yet gone through this offering :D :D :D 
Ancestor, 531, Amsterdam

Come and join the party!

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What's included in the Living Lineage program

Living Lineage is a fully supported, 10-week online group program.

We kick off on Friday, October 13th, 2023. This is a few weeks before Samhain/ Halloween- the time of the year when the connection to our ancestors is the strongest.

We meet every following Friday at 12 noon Mazatlan Time Zone (12PM PST, 3PM EST, 9PM Amsterdam). Final time decided at group start. Our gatherings happen via Zoom and run between 90 min and 2 hours.

If you cannot make it live, don't fret! All gatherings are recorded, and we aim to send them out on the day of our gathering.

There will be a dedicated Whatsapp Group available for you to connect with the others in the group.

We also offer special packages for those who would like extra 1-1 support when it comes to ancestral healing.

Our Living Lineage Schedule includes:

sign up for living lineage
October 13, 2023- New moon & opening ceremony:

Opening and seeding of the group container. Introduction of the group, our ancestry and our specific intentions for our time together. We get clear on any generational patterns you're ready to break.

October 27, 2023- Your ancestors speak The language of ceremony:

Intro into Ceremony. Learning different ways to connect with your well-ancestors and your lineage. The importance of working with the Earth.

October 28, 2023- Group karma clearing ceremony

On the Samhain/ Halloween/ Dia de los Muertos Full moon, Els will facilitate a karma clearing ceremony for the whole group and the lineages. Due to the nature of this clearing, there will not be a live meeting for this ceremony.  

November 10, 2023- Rooting your lineage in Benevolence:

A transmission of the Beloved Paradigm* as an offering for all of our lineages

​November 24, 2023 - Somatic exploration & healing:

We explore where the experiences of our ancestors live in our bodies- and invite a deep healing.

​December 8, 2023 - Reclaiming the stories of love & beauty of your lineage:

We reclaim & call forth the  version of our lineage that is rooted in love, beauty and resilience.

December 15, 2023 - Celebration & closing full moon ceremony:

We close this program  in celebration of Life and our Living Lineage, rooted in Love.

* the Beloved Paradigm originates in the Omega Lineage, in which I'm currently a certifying mentor.

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Ask for Special pricing available for Baja residents, single parents, BIPOC & LgBTQ+ folks